Principper Dokumenter Princip for undervisningens organisering på Bylderup Sko.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Budget og budgetstyring.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Fagfordeling.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Fællesarrangementer.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Klasselærerfunktionen.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Fritagelse for idræt.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip vedr. forventninger og konsekvenser på Bylderup Skole godkendt dec. 2016.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Lærerteam.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip vedr. skole-hjem samarbejdet godkendt dec. 2016.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Prøver - test m.m..pdf Shape Created with Sketch. SFO og skolesamarbejde.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. sponsorering mm.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. værdiregelsæt Bylderup Skole.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Bylderup Skole værdigrundlag.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for mad og drikke oktober 2021.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Antimobbestrategi Bylderup Skole - redigeret nov 2021.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Ekskursioner og lejrskole sep 2022.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Forretningsorden 2023.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Samarbejde Ravsted - Bylderup 6.-7. årgang Skolebestyrelse august 2023.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.